Even at the age of 77 images from “Night of the Hunter “ are with me. Reading any of your writing is for me life affirming, joyful, soulful, grounding, and my touchstone. I avoid snakes in any form but I read every word and even glanced at the photo. This time I set aside my fears and was rewarded with your story telling. Thank you.

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Wow. THAT was really hard for me to read. I sort of skittered my eyes over your words and tried to remember to breathe. I'm hoping I don't have snaky nightmares. You DO have a way with words, David.

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Wow!!!! Got me, friend! gripping my iPad edges for security in my comfortable chair as I wade those muddy waters with you, lives at the exquisite edge of teen existence…edge of seat thrills! 💕

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You are the best storyteller! Thanks for another great one.

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Oh, my. Snakes and adolescence. Thanks, I think, for taking me back to a hot California day, a shotgun, and a timber rattler sunning in the driveway. And thanks for your end note. It is biblical.

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