3 hrs agoLiked by David E. Perry

That Ferruginous Hawk has got to be the loveliest raptor portrait I've ever seen.

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Thank you, Diane. That is the loveliest thing anyone has said to me today.

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At first confused, and then amused. Thank you for making me smile this morning David.

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Your note is a fragrant breeze and news of your smile has given rise to one here, as well, for which I thank you, Emily.

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The cover of Birdnerd!! Damn. If only. One day.

Your playfulness delights no end, my friend. Yes to more play!!

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Sep 25·edited 23 hrs agoAuthor

Sometimes dreams really do come true! ;-)

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I want to subscribe to Birdnerd Quarterly. Think of the possibilities: Learn Dance with Sandhills. The Hummingbird Guide to the Best Border Buffets (and fast-food feeders). I'd definitely read it.

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Dear Marian, I would absolutely read 'Learn To Dance With Sandhills' too. And 'The Hummingbird Guide to the Best Border Buffets' (and fast-food feeders). Are you kidding me? We have an opening at Birdnerd Quarterly for an associate content editor, and would love to offer you the position, if you're interested. Salary starts at $235k with six weeks vacation and zero deductible health care, and there's a soft serve ice cream machine just down the hall from your corner, view office.

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Alas, I wish I could. But I am lactose intolerant, so the soft serve ice cream would be wasted on me. And I am far away, interviewing European Bitterns on whether noise bylaws affects their booming, and Pink Footed Geese on post-Brexit problems with (im)migration upon their arrival in the UK….

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Marian, you are a profound and talented soul with rare skills and an obvious ability to think quickly on your feet. Wishing you the best of luck in your interviews, and ever so hopeful that you’ll send a link when published.

Perhaps you’d be willing to consider us doing a little feature on you as an international bird interviewer and diplomat. I’m certain bird nerds everywhere would be fascinated. Think about it…

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It would have to be on the fly….;)

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You know you’re funny, right? You’ve gotta know.

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Sep 24Liked by David E. Perry

How delightful! I was smiling from the beginning, critically studying the BirdNerd cover and then was on to you. That only increased my curiosity of the entertaining story that was going to materialize. I’m still smiling!

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Hello Dear Ann, can't imagine anyone I'd rather be 'busted' by. ("and then was on to you."), And am so pleased that it left you smiling. Thank you for the kind words.

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Sep 24Liked by David E. Perry

Love your playground! I will happily roll in that sandbox for all days. The world needs more goof so I nominate you for the next cover of Goof Floof.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

i'M aLrEaDy tHiNkINg AbOuT WhAt ViSuAlLy RhYmEs WiTh GoOf FlOoF.

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Sep 24Liked by David E. Perry

Oof. 😂

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Sep 24Liked by David E. Perry

I love this, David…it’s magical like attending Alice in Wonderland’s tea party🎈

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Dearest Danyce, I was hoping you'd feel that way.

Thank you for swimming in the kiddie pool with us for a bit of fun.

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What’s next: Bird Perv?

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Whoa, Tommy, kink shaming is so last year...

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In my extended family of birders, to be a Bird Perv is a mark of real distinction

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I'm chuckling now that I know there's a merit badge involved, and that you have one.

It does lend a bit of swagger, doesn't it?

And now I'm imagining a vest, like the FBI wears when they make a raid so that everyone quickly knows who's who in the zoo. I imagine standing there in the woods with my binoculars looking up into the canopy for that shy little warbler and having peeps, seeing that bold, white BIRD PERV against the background of black, cut a wide, cautious circle around me rather than sneaking up behind me like usual and asking, "What'cha lookin' at?

I'd buy one of those vests.

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I love this. The cover image really should grace some glossy magazine. And your writing always more than entertains and educates me. It makes me feel. And remember and imagine. Your words have made me cry more than once and laugh, too. But you outdid yourself on this one. You convinced me, again, to be kind to myself. Thank you.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

Your photos are gorgeous! May I ask what equipment you use?

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

Help I’m getting dizzy.

All those, metaphors, politics ,snappy phrases, and nature, all tossed together in word salad format. 😵‍💫

Either way, congrats big guy! I think. Maybe not. I’m sitting in a truck waiting for my husband to come out of Costco, with a mountain load of stuff we don’t need. Not to mention, he is probably gabbing away with someone he runs into. So you have my full attention, and this is way more interesting than a long walk down a high stacked isle. Stiff neck material. Hooray for the fact or fiction game. I win the cloud sighting award; looking out the window at a creature in the sky, looks like a winged turtle with a beard🐢💨.

(Oops ,wrong type of cloud). Thanks for entertaining me ,and for sending a smile. Yup, here he comes, I see glimpses of his head, somewhere behind a mountain of stuff on wheels. He is 6’2”…

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Lor, I'm picturing you in the cab of a half-ton pick-em-up as you write, though I suppose it could be a 4x4 Diesel 1-ton. Winged turtles with beards are quite auspicious. I'd definitely buy a lottery ticket if I were you.

Thank you for playing along.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

Should be a regular feature.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

I agree, what time do you want us over for dinner? I’m getting hangry.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

And alphabet shaped croutons.

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Made from bitter bread.

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While revenge is best served cold, or so I'm told, word salad is obviously best served with a whisper-light vinaigrette.

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Oh this is perfecto! I listened and laughed and took it all to heart...tossing out, gatherng in, feeling stuff, counting the elusive things...in ibis.

Laughing, listening, trusting, goofing off---oh yeah---this is the day---all day: I'm just gonna make shit up...

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I am beyond delighted, Toni.

May the goddesses of goofiness make their way into your studio and add just a touch of their magic as you prepare for your upcoming show.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

Well, I fell down the rabbit hole with this one….right into google’s clutches. But I like this … idea “ …The Bird Nerds are a trio of Plague Minions under the rule of Plague Knight, whom basically cause mischief wherever they may go.”

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Bravo, Princess Deborah. You are most welcome among this etherial realm.

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Is BirdNerd currently accepting submissions? 😏

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Author

Heh, heh, heh... Why yes, Laura, they are.

Send us your best proposal.

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Sep 23Liked by David E. Perry

Aah, such childlike delight! Bang yer drum loudly Dave!!!

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Thanks, Frank. 'Tis lovely to be seen.

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That's a great photograph--it's no wonder they put you on the cover!

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Giggling to myself.

Thanks for stepping into Wonderland with me, Margaret.

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