That’s wonderful!! So many bluebirds!

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Loved this so much💙 Whisper wisdom is sometimes the best and when we learn to listen it can be magical. Thank you for your words, and images-I heard the words of a poem forming and stopped to write-something I haven't done in awhile- so your post was a gift in many ways💙

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When one leaves a candle flickering beside a path, hoping its bit of light and warmth will find another traveller, offer hope and the sense of being considered, cared for, nothing is expected. There is no transaction.

But finding a note left by someone who passed by, who warmed her hands and then took a moment to say "I was here. I found what you left for me, for anyone, to add a bit of light...

Well that is a fine thing, indeed.

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David...to heed the inner voice and share such needed moments...ah! You are a brilliance in an often shadowy world.

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You are most generous, Nancy. Thank you for your kind notes. It is lovely to be seen, and a bit of company along the path is a gift.

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I am in awe of that small voice you have that gives such clear directions about things like a flock of bluebirds drinking from a melting puddle. Knowing what is possible between you and your small voice makes me want to listen better, or differently, to mine.

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Sarah, I'm so grateful for your kind note.

I am given pause by the perception I may be leaving that I hear some voice offering me "clear directions about things like a flock of bluebirds drinking from a melting puddle..."

Bluebirds, you see were the farthest thing from my mind when I turned off the highway. In fact, I was surprised to see even one, let alone dozens because, best I knew and according to migratory and territorial maps, they should have been wintering much farther south than Central Oregon's high desert. I just got this sense that I needed to head out that direction, that something cool awaited my eyes 'out there, somewhere. It was more like a vague itch of intuition than clear direction. I didn't know what it meant, really, and when I assumed it was going to be some perfect vista from which to photograph those gorgeous, snowy, Cascade volcanos, I did my best to find just that.


Kinda meh...

It wasn't until I gave up on what I thought I was supposed to find that something even better appeared...

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I love this: "It wasn't until I gave up on what I thought I was supposed to find that something even better appeared." That's another whole level of trust.

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I am completely in awe of your “moments” which seem to make up your life. I want to say you are lucky, but know that you have a developed intentionality.

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Thank you, Pamela.

Wishing you a tumbling, burbling stream of awe...

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I love bluebirds too.

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So blue-tiful 💙 Thanks for this sunshine

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By giving a voice to the bird characters you observe you are training me to think like a bird....that's both kind to the birds and useful to me the observer. Thank you, David.

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May your day be birdy and kind, Carolyn.

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A bluebird moment for sure. I love the voice that guided you there. And that you listened.


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"...the voice that guided you there..."

Is there any mystery more reliably wonderful?

Thank you, Steffany.

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Enchantment itself. And that you somehow manage to capture this with your camera David 🤯 wonderful

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This enchanted and enchantable soul you've shaped and grown into, Emily, your kindness and attentive nature... it really is a gift to those of us who sometimes warm our hands and cheeks, our own souls as we stand near or pass along our way. I just thought you should know that we see that. We are grateful for who you decided to be.

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Thank you seems a little inadequate for your kind words, but thank you, nonetheless 💛✨

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I know that voice. It has led me to some amazing places.

Thank you for the reminder to always listen for it.

And thank you for these birds!!!

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You probably know more about that voice than most, Holly, and through the adventures and insights you share, we are reminded to defend ours, to listen carefully and to be brave. So glad you're here.

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Love this. Truly. Every word. Listening to that quiet voice brings many treasures.

Thank you for sharing this one.

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One listener to another... I hear you. I see your kindness and it makes me grateful, Teyani. Thank you.

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That was enchanting! I felt breathless reading it. Never seen one and probably never will, but now I know what it would feel like. 🙏🙏

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OK, that make me smile, Candi, but I urge you not to give up, too soon. Nothing better than saying 'someday' and setting your intention. The universe works in such strange ways.

There may be a bluebird just up the road a bit for you. I hope so.

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I have been wandering enchanted caves on this, my only free afternoon of the week, I had a hunch I'd find bats or some other hibernating creature hidden therein. Understandably none felt like being sociable so I wandered the swollen river instead, I found frogspawn in great clumps in a pool formed to the side, startled a heron from his snack. All in all it was a pleasant if uneventful stroll... then I see your heavenly blue feathered acrobats, stumbled upon on a hunch during a long drive home and my un-events seem irrelevant.

Dear David, is it possible we might exchange hunches from time to time? Yours seem to be so much more fruitful!

Your friend Susie

PS If these photos had been posted by anyone but you I would have never believed that blue hadn't been tinkered with and I am now going to Google lox ?

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Been missing you, these adoring friend notes back and forth. Love caves. Kinda grew up in them. Dad was a 'bat scientist,' among other things and I, whenever possible, his blissful tagalong.

"Frogspawn" is an absolutely fabulous word!!! My favorite of the day so far. Mark my words, I will find a way to work it into at least three conversations before dark. And that means I'm going to need to go out and actually talk to someone.

What the hell do you mean 'irrelevant,' silly goose? (Ooops, I don't know you nearly well enough to get away with calling you a silly goose, and I have far too much respect for you to ever want to speak disrespectfully, or offend. ) But, seriously, I suspect you understand these sorts of 'hunch' things well enough to know that if they were a sure thing they'd be called something else and be far less exciting. I was ready to write that whole side trip off as a well-intended exercise in saying yes, even when the results are thin gruel. Wasn't mad and didn't consider the detour a bust. The bluebirds weren't even on my radar. All that said, I'll trade hunches any time you want. But for the record, I bet it would be more fun to just follow along in your company and see where one of yours leads...

What a gift you are, dear Susie. What a gift!

Now imagining the curl of that smile when you've googled 'lox', and seen a picture of a proper 'bagel with cream cheese and lox.'

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Dearest David, I accept being a 'silly goose' with all the friendliness with which it was intended for surely nobody without at least a modicum of caring could possibly use such an amiable phrase - I will carry it warmly, perhaps even share it a little too...

Lox, why yes of course... smoked salmon, I should have guessed! What else could possibly be as scrumptious with cream cheese and a hunk of good bread when a real bagel is unavailable!

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Blessed be the prophetic little voice who calls you Davey!!! Oh this offering made me grin with such joy and calm. Thank you thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for waiting. Thank you for presence-ing, thank you for sharing. The bluebird-colored sky has never looked so blue.

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You wrote: "Blessed be the prophetic little voice who calls you Davey!!!"


"Hi. I’m Dave. David, if you prefer a bit more formality, but Dave should be enough for most. A few call me Davey. Dear ones. Intimates. Mentors. Children who recognize that part of me, inviting me to play. My stoic adult whispers to my inner kid that way… “Deep breaths, Davey. It’ll be ok.”

All of me shows up here: Dave, David, Davey. Taking turns at the lead. Unravelling our stories. You never know for sure just whose voice might begin some new tale or describe some new encounter, but I’m guessing you’ll be pretty clear on that by the end of the first paragraph."

I am continually delighted by your sense of delight, dear Kimberly. And on those days when something I offer makes you grin, well... who needs to buy a lottery ticket when you've already won? Thank you.

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