That's a fascinating set of sounds--at once similar and utterly different from the dawn sounds here. Birds and coyotes, yes; but it must be all that fabulous water that makes it sound so different! Your photos are marvelous!

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I 🙏 thank you.

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I love the sound of birds close by and coyotes in the distance

Where was the second photo taken?

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It was taken same place, Logan, just looking in the other direction. Thanks for the kind input.

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Looks kinda Eastern Washingtony

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Bingo. Channeled scablands.

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Channeled Scablands is on my wish list, along with Frenchman Coulee.

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Aaah, peaceful. It’s why I don’t listen to podcasts or music when walking

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Same here, Geoff

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry


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What kind of loon....? The kind of loon that the world needs more of.

If only more humans could just pause and be still and connect to something bigger. We just might step out into the world with more care and tenderness.

I am there with you on the other side of the world David: 5am, the quiet, just nature and me, just perfect.

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Love this image, Jo. May your morning be full of unexpected song…

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

The early loon catches bird song… I’m pretty sure their the best type too!

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* They’re 🙄

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

Probably quite similar to another loon, awakened abruptly around 2 AM by rain dancing on the skylight. This loon’s thoughts turned to the mother junco on her nest in the tall grass near the fence corner. She’s probably soaked through in sheltering her 4 nestlings from the downpour. Where does she get the resolve to do that?

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I like the way your loon mind works, Gary. An exquisitely beautiful pondering.

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Listening, listening, listening...

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

Where does the line begin for foolish loons? Better save me a spot.

Lovely Dawn Serenade.

I hope there’s a sequel .

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Thanks, Lor.

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

This is a beautiful way to start your day, being aware of the sounds of the natural world. I love when the nights are warm enough that I can leave bedroom windows open and wake up to birdsong.

Do you know what kinds of birds were singing? At least one sounded to me like a Boblink. Is that possible where you were?

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I did not hear a bobolink, Jady, but in this one minute clip you can hear Redwing Blackbirds (silhouetted in the photo), Western Meadowlarks, Canada geese, a Common Yellowthroat, and a Song Sparrow, in addition to an entire choir of coyotes who joined in a sunrise serenade from maybe four different locations around the lake. It was a very birdy morning; encounters with nearly thirty species in the space of an hour. Other players captured in this nearly twenty minute recording, but not included in this brief, one-minute piece of it: Great Horned Owl, Ring-necked Pheasants, Green-winged Teal, Say's Phoebe, Rock Wren, Canyon Wren, Wilson's Warbler, Coot, Barn Swallows, Yellow Warbler, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Mourning Doves and Violet-green Swallows...

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This loon has done it and found it soothing and comforting, acting as a counterpoint to the sounds of modern life.

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A wise loon, indeed. Better than a grumpy old coot.

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

Magical. I am in fact, one of those loons, doing the same this morning. I can't wait to be out there.

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See ya' out there, Carol.

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How evocative. I confess it’s a long time since I got up to photograph the sunrise - my practice has gone in an entirely different direction - but I still remember the feeling of privilege to be present at the unfolding of a day. Which makes me think I really should try!

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"...I still remember the feeling of privilege to be present at the unfolding of a day..."

There are many paths up the mountain. All of them are valid and each offers its own unique glimpses of magic.

I'm so grateful for your note, Michela.

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

I sat and listened with my eyes closed to hear these beautiful sounds. It’s amazing how you can tell you’re somewhere different just by the sounds of nature around you. For a brief time I was transported to a land where coyotes roam. Thank you.

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I could not have hoped for better than this, Mary. I'm so glad it found you, transported you...

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May 22Liked by David E. Perry

Indeed, who would do such a thing? There must have been a considerable reward to be had for such a foolish action!

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I know a guy...

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