Jun 4Liked by David E. Perry

What a profound experience, richly conveyed.

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Thank you, Lainey.

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Holy moly!! I am so jealous!!! I have YET to see an owl in real life. Gorgeous pictures! Well done. XO

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Thank you, Danielle. If you decide to see an owl, I have this sense, you will. The universe sometimes works that way.

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May 27Liked by David E. Perry

This was a favorite , David ! SO well done! Your shots were perfect!❤️

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Love you, Sis. And thanks.

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My almost three year old loves owls! It’s past his bedtime but I can’t wait to open this back up with him in the morning

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For a time some years back, I worked as an outdoor education facilitator. Talking about the owl’s silent flight, especially to the younger participants, I’d look around for a light in one or two kids’ eyes that said they were considering the magic of that still power. Then later during night hikes, we’d find a meadow and sit silently listening. If an owl would call, I’d listen for a quick intake of breath among our circle.

Thank you, David, for conjuring this memory for me and for these gorgeous photos and this equally breathtaking sharing of the encounter.

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Dearest Holly,

I got deliriously lost in your remembrance and am so grateful. Thank you for such a generous note, for allowing me to glimpse momentarily through your seeing eyes.

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What a beautiful description of your encounter with the owl, David. Just reading this I also had to remember to breathe!

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"Just reading this I also had to remember to breathe!"

You could not offer a kinder compliment to a writer. I thank you.

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May 18Liked by David E. Perry

I like this, Prince of Darkness. I have connected with owls in very definite and timely ways, and I’ve stood there in reverence…with my mouth open in awe.

Love the story, love the pictures🧚

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Thank you, Danyce. "I’ve stood there in reverence…with my mouth open in awe." pretty much describes it. Glad this one spoke to you.

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May 18Liked by David E. Perry

Beautiful and meaningful, thank you for describing your encounter so vividly and with the passion deserved 💜. We have a Barred owl pair who have graciously allowed us to witness their offspring year after year. Last year they had three owlets and they looked exhausted with all the parental responsibilities! This year there is only one owlet but I think they could use a year without soooo much work!

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Hi Jenny, I loved your note. Yes, so much alert, tireless work to raise a brood, and a level of dedication to the task that puts many human parents to shame. How wonderful that you've been able to witness this ebb and flow, year after year. I'm so grateful to have your notes to add to the picnic here.

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This picture gives me a comforting feeling and I don’t know why. Maybe the aesthetics of the greens and the moss. Maybe because the owl looks soft and cuddly (though I know it is not). The owl is serene, the picture is serene. I marvel that you are out in the dark hours of the morning to visit the nocturnal life, while we sleep and wake up to these wonderful pictures and discoveries. You are blessed in the seeing. We are blessed in the seeing.

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What a generous gift you offer here, Pamela. Thank you for every wonderful thing about this note.

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May 18Liked by David E. Perry

Your accompanying photos are stunning. :).

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Thank you, Olga. 🙏

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Worthy of any documentary, written or filmed. This was a remarkable glimpse into a magical morning. Thank you, David.

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You are more than kind, Jody. Thank you for such encouragement.

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What a gift to be able to watch this owl, and what a gift to your subscribers to share these beautiful, remarkable photographs!

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Thank you, Margaret. 🙏

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May 17Liked by David E. Perry

Beautiful. Thank you.

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Stunning! "The world before us glistens and glows in rare, perfect moments, but we have no control over when, or if they’ll show. We simply make ourselves available, day after day. We show up. We pay attention. We give ourselves over to opportunities." I couldn't agree more. Thank you for sharing these perfect moments with us :)

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Thank you for this kind note, Sydney.🙏

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May 17Liked by David E. Perry

Unbelievable blend of visual and literal poetry, David. I’ve had many Barred owl sightings on my morning trail walks in the past year. My iPhone shots don’t really do him, or me, justice. Sometimes he will just sit silently as I go by, sometimes he will silently move off as I approach. Your patience and determination to get great photos is only matched by your passion in bringing your encounters to life is such a creative way. You have a gift. Thanks for sharing it.

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Your note is a gift, Mark. I'm so grateful. And I'm pleased as punch that this found a responsive chord within you. Thank you.

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Thank you for taking me with you on this lovely encounter, David. I found I was holding my breath a good part of the time.

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Of course you are welcome, Laura. Thank you for making time to come along with me, and for such a kind note.

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